Website may be up and down over next few months. I'm currently doing a complete overhaul of everything. Going back to simple individual .htm pages, new overall site theme, sanitizing and cleaning up html of all pages and blog posts, attempting to implement a new tooling and publishing system etc etc.

Using ATI RM Shaders in

Published 3/28/2006 by createdbyx in News

I have just added a new 15 minute tutorial walking you through the creation of a Greyscale shader in ati render monkey and exporting it as a directx *.fx file, and using that fx file in a simple app.

The code in the video is available here

I have just added my cbxTimers library to the projects section of the website. I created this library so I could have a colletion of Timer objects to use in my apps.

There is currently no documentation for the library but I am planning to try and make a few tutorial videos that will walk users through how to use the libraries.

It's not that they are comlicated to use it's just that I'm sure some people would like to have some documantation for it.

I have added a new project to the projects page called xILikeToMoveItMoveIt. It is a new animation library that allows you to add easy use of animations in your apps and games. It also comes with a example app when you download it.

I have also added 2 example apps for the xGameConsole library. The first is a simple scripting example app, demonstrating how you can use the xGameConsole library as a simple scripting engine.

The second example app is a simple windows forms app showing how to load console commands into the xGameConsole and use them.

There is currently no documentation for these libraries and I probably will not be creating any. Instead I am going to try and make a few tutorial videos that will walk users through how to use the libraries.

New video is availible

Published 3/28/2006 by createdbyx in News

I have had a video I created for some time now for a launch platform for rockets and such but have not uploaded it to my site because it is rather large in size. But I recently became aware of a new service at It allows you to upload your videos, up to 100 megabytes, to the site. The cool thing is that the site allows you to embed object tags in any web page and reference the video from the YouTube web site so you don't have to host the video yourself. It also supports multiple formats, like mov, avi, and wmv! I have not made a blog entry in a little while so I thought I would post this.

Whoot! Whoot! Nano baby!

Published 3/28/2006 by createdbyx in News

When I switched over to Telus DSL they were offering a 3 year Fixed Rate contract an get a free 2 gig iPod Nano, that I just got in the mail today!

This thing is really cool, not that I listen to music all that often but I can see why this device is so popular. Not only does it play music but it also can be used as a removeable disk drive for storing any kind of file, as well as the ability to store photos, and text files that you can view and read on the devices screen.

It even comes with a few games like breakout, solitair, parachute, and music quiz.

I just hope I don't have to cancel my internet service in the next 3 years for whatever reason. THe deal with the 3 year fixed rate plan I subscribed to specifies that if I cancel my internet early they will charge me like 230+(CDN) dollars as a penalty! eep! Not that I see that happening but you never know.

Also I keep forgetting I have some video I have been meaning to post on my site of this years mushroom camp. I will try to post it in the next couple of days.

Thank god I switched to DSL! My ping in Counter Strike Source went from 150 to 250+ ping to a steady 65 ping! At least now I am hitting something when I shoot at it.
Now there is only the matter of my free 2Gb iPod nano....

BTW: I have been a little distracted as of late and am going to try posting more content on this site soon. I hope.

Please save me DSL

Published 11/30/2005 by createdbyx in News

I just canceled my current cable internet service. I am moving to DSL. But my DSL internet does not start until Dec 2, 05. So I might be in the dark for a day or two. I am seroiusly hope my ping drops after the move to DSL. Currently with cable I get around 175 to 300+ ping during the day with Counter strike source, farcry, and UT2004. But that drops down to about 85 to 125+ after 12 o'Clock at night. Needless to say that many people are tinking of heading to bed around that time, leaving me standing all alone with my bfg and none too many to shoot at.

There is nothing more frustrating then trying to blast someone knowing you hit them but finding out you actually missed because of lag! Not only that but 95% of the people playing counter strike source, have an average ping of about 20 to 60, giving them 2 to 5 times more chances to kill me first. BAH!

I suspect it is in part because I have been using cable, and I live farther north of any major city(s). Not only that but since cable is shared I have to content with the fact that my ISP is the only high speed provider this far out of town, which means I have been sharing my bandwidth with, I suspect, quite a few people.

This is the first time I have been able to get DSL where I live, so it is going to be interesting to see is there is a noteworthy drop in my ping when playing online games. I also signed up for the fastest package they my DSL provider offered, so I am hopeing for 40 ping in CS source, but I think I will settle for a high ping of 60 to 70. But I guess I will just have to wait and see...

Just a heads up

Published 11/28/2005 by createdbyx in News

Just to give you a heads up now that I have been using the final release of VS 2005, it seems the rumors are true. MS should have delayed VS 2005's release data and went for a beta3. I have been using VS 2005 since beta 1 and I gotta say the final release crashes more then beta 1 or beta 2! If you are thinking of moving over to VS 2005 don't. Instead wait until the first service pack has been released. Hopefully by then the "Random crash" bug will have been fixed.

On another note, my new web site is up and running with all the original content from the old site. Now all I have to do is add the old, old web sites content to the new site.

Also I am not sure what I am going to do with this blog at I am thinking I may convert it over to RSS 2.0 and move the content over to the new RSS 2.0 feed(s) on the new site. But that will not be for a while.

New content on the way

Published 11/18/2005 by createdbyx in News

I have finished fixing a few bugs in the website code and will ne adding additional content in the comming days.

Here is a list of things I am going to be trying to do...

  1. Try to finish writing my xRSSEd application, or at least get it working enough to start using it. Right now I am publishing all the feeds on this site by hand! xRSSEd will allow you to edit RSS, Atom, or RDF feeds. It is progressing quite well but there seems to be some problems when saving a feed.
  2. Add additional projects to the site. The projects I am going to be adding are ...
    • DXTools Release 7
    • EGEngine (A game engine core)
    • xGameConsole (Already availible but needs example code, documentation, videos etc)
    • CBXSupport (Already availible but needs example code, documentation, videos etc)
    • xCoreEngine (A game engine code similar to EGEngine but more simplified)
    • Sphlix (A general purpose game engine core. All you do is have to write the engine logic tasks and renderer and it does the rest)
    • xFrippery (A DirectX GUI system that I may or may not continue working on)
    • GrafXWrap (A simple demo app showing how you can use the xGameConsole as a simple scripting engine.)
    • xMSGui (I have cut out just the GUI portions of microsofts DirectX sample framework code and have succesfully got it working on its own. But the way MS has coded the GUI system has made it a little difficult to integrate into your apps in a reliable way. I have had thoughts of converting the code from C# to VB.NET)
  3. I would also like to try an code a simple game but can't seem to find a simple enough game idea to work on.
  4. I also need to add a contact page to the site so people can find out how to get in touch with me.
  5. Oh yah, now that I think of it I will also need to update the DirectX examples I have on the site. I don't think some of them are working anymore.

2nd post.

Published 11/18/2005 by createdbyx in News

This second post is for testing purposes.

Created by: X

Just another personal website in this crazy online world

Name of author Dean Lunz (aka Created by: X)
Computer programming nerd, and tech geek.
About Me -- Resume