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First Zider blog post

Published 1/15/2007 by createdbyx in Games | News | Programming | XNA
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I have just made public a new project that I have started called the Zider game engine. The Zider game engine will be a 2D/3D hybrid game engine focusing on 2D side scrolling, and top down game play styles.

Below lists the current status of the various features that are either currently working or on the drawing table.

Working features

  1. Load/Save Maps in xml format
  2. Edit map blocks with left and right mouse buttons
  3. Can pan the map to expose other parts just by moving mouse near edges of screen or use WSAD keys on keyboard
  4. Supports full screen and windowed modes
  5. Basic, easy to use GUI system with anchoring support like in windows forms
  6. Texture selection, and block selection so user can choose specific blocks to use for drawing with

Features on the drawing table

  1. Layering. Currently Zider only supports one map layer.
  2. Moving platforms (elevators, falling platforms)
  3. Particle system using the Mercury Particle Engine
  4. Ability to erase blocks
  5. Characters, Actors, Items etc
  6. Move over all sprite based drawing to full 3D geometry primitives.
  7. Animation systems
  8. Implement Farseer Physics Engine for physics, or develop custom phisics implementation. I may have come up with a superfast way of doing 2D Collision detection/response in the works.
  9. Possibly an in game console. I already have one written but it's in VB.NET and MDX so it will have to be converted to C#.
  10. Purchase a XNA creators club subscription and get code working on 360.
  11. Keep all data files in xml format for easy of use and ease to editing. Notepad!

Created by: X

Just another personal website in this crazy online world

Name of author Dean Lunz (aka Created by: X)
Computer programming nerd, and tech geek.
About Me -- Resume