Website may be up and down over next few months. I'm currently doing a complete overhaul of everything. Going back to simple individual .htm pages, new overall site theme, sanitizing and cleaning up html of all pages and blog posts, attempting to implement a new tooling and publishing system etc etc.

The DrawRectangle & DrawLine helper methods allow you to draw a lines and rectangles inside OnGUI methods.

/// <summary>
/// Draws a rectangle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rect">A <see cref="Rect"/> type that defines the bounds of the rectangle to draw.</param>
public static void DrawRectangle(Rect rect)
    DrawRectangle(rect, GUI.contentColor, 1f);

/// <summary>
/// Draws a rectangle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rect">
/// A <see cref="Rect"/> type that defines the bounds of the rectangle to draw.
/// </param>
/// <param name="color">
/// The color of the rectangle.
/// </param>
public static void DrawRectangle(Rect rect, Color color)
    DrawRectangle(rect, color, 1);

/// <summary>
/// Draws a rectangle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rect">
/// A <see cref="Rect"/> type that defines the bounds of the rectangle to draw.
/// </param>
/// <param name="thickness">
/// The line thickness of the rectangle.
/// </param>
public static void DrawRectangle(Rect rect, float thickness)
    DrawRectangle(rect, GUI.contentColor, thickness);

/// <summary>
/// Draws a rectangle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rect">
/// A <see cref="Rect"/> type that defines the bounds of the rectangle to draw.
/// </param>
/// <param name="color">
/// The color of the rectangle.
/// </param>
/// <param name="thickness">
/// The line thickness of the rectangle.
/// </param>
public static void DrawRectangle(Rect rect, Color color, float thickness)
    DrawHLine(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y), rect.width, color, thickness);
    DrawHLine(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 1), rect.width, color, thickness);
    DrawVLine(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y), rect.height, color, thickness);
    DrawVLine(new Vector2(rect.x + rect.width - 1, rect.y), rect.height, color, thickness);

/// <summary>
/// Draws a line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pointA">The start point of the line.</param>
/// <param name="pointB">The end point of the line.</param>
public static void DrawLine(Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB)
    DrawLine(pointA, pointB, GUI.contentColor, 1.0f);

/// <summary>
/// Draws a line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pointA">The start point of the line.</param>
/// <param name="pointB">The end point of the line.</param>
/// <param name="color">The color to use.</param>
public static void DrawLine(Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB, Color color)
    DrawLine(pointA, pointB, color, 1.0f);

/// <summary>
/// Draws a line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pointA">The start point of the line.</param>
/// <param name="pointB">The end point of the line.</param>
/// <param name="thickness">THe thickness of the line.</param>
public static void DrawLine(Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB, float thickness)
    DrawLine(pointA, pointB, GUI.contentColor, thickness);

/// <summary>
/// Draws a line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pointA">The start point of the line.</param>
/// <param name="pointB">The end point of the line.</param>
/// <param name="color">The color to use.</param>
/// <param name="thickness">THe thickness of the line.</param>
public static void DrawLine(Vector2 pointA, Vector2 pointB, Color color, float thickness)
    // Save the current GUI matrix, since we're going to make changes to it.
    var matrix = GUI.matrix;

    // Store current GUI color, so we can switch it back later,
    // and set the GUI color to the color parameter
    var savedColor = GUI.color;
    GUI.color = color;

    // Determine the angle of the line.
    var angle = Vector2.Angle(pointB - pointA, Vector2.right);

    // Vector3.Angle always returns a positive number.
    // If pointB is above pointA, then angle needs to be negative.
    if (pointA.y > pointB.y)
        angle = -angle;

    // Use ScaleAroundPivot to adjust the size of the line.
    // We could do this when we draw the texture, but by scaling it here we can use
    //  non-integer values for the thickness and length (such as sub 1 pixel widths).
    // Note that the pivot point is at +.5 from pointA.y, this is so that the thickness of the line
    //  is centered on the origin at pointA.
    GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(new Vector2((pointB - pointA).magnitude, thickness), new Vector2(pointA.x, pointA.y + 0.5f));

    // Set the rotation for the line.
    //  The angle was calculated with pointA as the origin.
    GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(angle, pointA);

    // Finally, draw the actual line.
    // We're really only drawing a 1x1 texture from pointA.
    // The matrix operations done with ScaleAroundPivot and RotateAroundPivot will make this
    //  render with the proper thickness, length, and angle.
    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(pointA.x, pointA.y, 1, 1), Texture2D.whiteTexture);

    // We're done.  Restore the GUI matrix and GUI color to whatever they were before.
    GUI.matrix = matrix;
    GUI.color = savedColor;

/// <summary>
/// Draws a horizontal line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pointA">
/// The start point of the line.
/// </param>
/// <param name="length">
/// The length of the line.
/// </param>
/// <param name="color">
/// The color to use.
/// </param>
/// <param name="thickness">
/// THe thickness of the line.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The line will be drawn from <see cref="pointA"/> moving to the right. To draw to the left use a negative <see cref="length"/> value.
/// </remarks>
public static void DrawHLine(Vector2 pointA, float length, Color color, float thickness)
    // Store current GUI color, so we can switch it back later,
    // and set the GUI color to the color parameter
    var savedColor = GUI.color;
    GUI.color = color;

    // Finally, draw the actual line.
    // We're really only drawing a 1x1 texture from pointA.
    // The matrix operations done with ScaleAroundPivot and RotateAroundPivot will make this
    //  render with the proper thickness, length, and angle.
    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(pointA.x, pointA.y, length - 1, thickness), Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);

    // We're done.  Restore the GUI matrix and GUI color to whatever they were before.
    GUI.color = savedColor;

/// <summary>
/// Draws a vertical line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pointA">
/// The start point of the line.
/// </param>
/// <param name="length">
/// The length of the line.
/// </param>
/// <param name="color">
/// The color to use.
/// </param>
/// <param name="thickness">
/// THe thickness of the line.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The line will be drawn from <see cref="pointA"/> moving up. To draw down use a negative <see cref="length"/> value.
/// </remarks>
public static void DrawVLine(Vector2 pointA, float length, Color color, float thickness)
    // Store current GUI color, so we can switch it back later,
    // and set the GUI color to the color parameter
    var savedColor = GUI.color;
    GUI.color = color;

    // Finally, draw the actual line.
    // We're really only drawing a 1x1 texture from pointA.
    // The matrix operations done with ScaleAroundPivot and RotateAroundPivot will make this
    //  render with the proper thickness, length, and angle.
    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(pointA.x, pointA.y, thickness, length - 1), Texture2D.whiteTexture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill);

    // We're done.  Restore the GUI matrix and GUI color to whatever they were before.
    GUI.color = savedColor;

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Created by: X

Just another personal website in this crazy online world

Name of author Dean Lunz (aka Created by: X)
Computer programming nerd, and tech geek.
About Me -- Resume